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Never know what to pack while walking around the Disney parks? Well here are a few tips to packing lightly and having everything you need for a sucessful park visit!

1. Sun Screen- Make sure you have some of this on you. Disney Parks get super sunny and if you are not protected you will spend the rest of your Disney vacation trying to get over an unwanted sunburn. 2. Pancho- Bringing one of these is very important defininately if you are visiting Walt Disney World in Florida. It rains just about every day at that park and it is a good idea to have a panco or small umbrella with you to keep you from getting soaked. 3. Sunglasses- These are important because you need to protect your eyes just as much as your skin. Also it gets very very very bright while walking the parks during the day. Sun glasses will help you get through your day with out a sun headache.

4.Wallet- Bringing one of these is very important if you would like to keep all you important things like debit card, credit card, and licenses all in one spot. It will fit perfectly in your backpack.

5.Autograph Book- Of course you want to get autographs from your favorite characters so do not forget your autograph book!

6, Phone & My Disney Experience App- This App is VERY important you can get real time ride waits, reserve your tables at resturants, get fast passes, and pull up maps to direct you to your next activity. This app is a must have for your disney trip!

7. Snacks- Snacks are crucial! Definitly if you have young children with you and you are not wanting to spend too much time waiting in long lines at the snack tables. Bringing a snack sack will help you out tremendously.

8.Magic Band- I recomend you get a magic band instead of a card. The bands stay secure on your wrist at all times and is an easy way to purchase things without pulling out the wallet everytime you want to make a purchase. Not to mention it is super cool!

9. FROGS/ COOLING TOWELS- These things are life savers in the summer heat. All you have to do it put them in water and snap them and you will stay nice and cool for the time in the parks. They are a little pricey if you have a big family but you can totally cut them in half and share them amongst eachother because one is big already. 10.Water bottle- Staying hydrated is very important while walking around in the parks.

11.Hand sanatizer/ready wipes- I like to carry these in my bag because sometimes while walking the park you want to stop to eat but you can not have access to the restroom as easily as you would like to wash your hands. Keeping these will help you stay clean. Also if you have kids they can get into some nasty stuff and wipes will keep them clean!

12. Bandaids/firstaid ziplock bag- Disney has a lot of people walking around the park at all times. and some people do not look at where they are walking or whom they are walking into. It happens a lot with children when a grown up accidently knocks them over and they get a scrape on the knee or hands. So keeping your kit will help in any emergency. Even though Disney has emergency areas sometimes you can not make it to one that may be on the other side of the park just to get a bandaid.

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